In a message dated 3/10/2003 9:10:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> It seems to me that it is difficult to find a Joni song that is NOT
> informed at some level by the Bible than to find one free 
> of spiritual
> thoughts of some kind.

I had the same thought, Dave...looking at my fave Hejira, the majority of the songs 
have a direct reference to some spiritual or religious item:

And their pills and powders to get them thru this passion play

It was the hexagram of the heavens

In the church they light the candles

Song For Sharon:
I'm headed to the church to play Bingo 

Refuge Of The Roads:
Muscular with gods and sungold

I can't really see anything in the others to make an argument for their inclusion; 
still, as you say she is deeply concerned with spiritual imagery/ideas in her writing, 
and I would dare say that well over 50% or her work reflects that in some form. It may 
be what makes her such a good writer in that she tries to bring together spiritual, 
emotional, philosophical, physical concepts.


NP: Dave Matthews Band, "Bartender"
  • Bible Dave Cuneo
    • SCJoniGuy

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