And a very happy fecking birthday to you my favoriot (intentional
misspelling) beeeeatch from Birmingham, who owes me a visit here in New
Orleans. When you do come back here I am gonna paddle you so good you gonna
pay me for more. Love ya (even tho you pick on me)


P.S. Sorry for all the posts today but I was like 700 posts behind ok?? I am
done for a few days. Maybe. DED is still least fave. I hate Bob Muller cause
he's going to Wall to Wall and I am not. Steve Polifka just keep talking
cause it worries me when people stop. Dulson take your time in getting a new
job as I like you better as a musician, poster, and concert promoter. Also
Happy Fecking Birthday to Lucy in the UK.

> here's what *i* know -
> gisele mackenzie was a singer who had some amount of fame prior
> to 1961.
> and here's why *i* care -
> my girlfriend, gisele (who is also a singer/musician), was named
> for her.  her father was a huge fan.
> and here's an odd bit of synchoronicity - my gisele's birthday is
> tomorrow.
> i'm interested to know what's on your mind re: her!!!
> cindy

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