wally, i'm glad to hear you had a good time. i am so
excited to see you in august! i've missed you. we all
missed your energy last year. i'm so jealous that you
got to hang out with smurph.
love and kisses, 

--- Wally Kairuz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a short one to let you all know that i'm safe
> (though never sound) and back
> at home. after some very trying delays, my plane
> took off at midnight and i
> got to buenos aires just in time for a shower and
> cup of REAL coffee before
> my interview with the people from the london
> business school (no big deal in
> the end, but lots of fun having tea with a bunch of
> english people at a posh
> buenos aires hotel). the flight was horrible --
> wailing babies and farting
> senior citizens all around -- but i got through
> customs without any problem,
> so i count my blessings.
> brunch with ashara, maggie, chuck, barbara, jody,
> *that guy*, anne, ric, and
> my adored bob murphy, and the music and bull session
> in arlington will
> remain as the highlights of my trip -- not to
> mention bob doing irish little
> old lady and his new character (whose name i won't
> reveal because i know
> it'll surpass ethel at the next jonifest and i don't
> want to spoil the
> surprise).
> what else can i say? i got all the subzero windchill
> a winter freak can
> tolerate, i drank gallons of ginger ale, i ate crab
> cakes and i even got to
> speak to stephen in vancouver. oh stephen! i am such
> an imbecile! i never
> thanked you for the dan hicks cd when we were on the
> phone. i think this new
> instance of my forgetfulness beats even the time
> ashara gave me the darling
> little jars and i didn't have a clue why she was
> doing so! please forgive
> this spaced-out old queen.
> i have little messages for each one of you in my
> heart that i will keep to
> myself so that their positive vibrations increase
> their power thousandfold.
> we're in for some stormy weather worldwide. we all
> know that. but my jmdl
> family will stand. united, divided, whatever.
> love,
> wally
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