The hope that springs eternal in me does not go untested. Sometimes, I fear, if I were 
to leave my
ultra-sensitive instincts to give way to that most pragmatic and logical portion of MY 
mind, it
may go lost forever. So either side of that coin in my mind, fears and challenges the 
hope, yet it
marches on.  It has been challenged before.  And I wonder why it sustains and how so.  
Is my hope
sometimes not like fools gold? I ask myself - what fool am I to let this go on abiding 
in the
walls that are me.  And there is no answer but for one ... humanity.  Everyday I mix 
with all
sorts of it and from absolute madness and anger to the shrill of excitement and 
laughter to the
tears of joy to the sound of music to cries of pain, I realize this is the oxygen of 
my hope.  I
am a junkie for humanity - humans the varieties the smells and tastes.  Even when I 
dislike, I am
drawn to the parts that make it work.  I must examine, under the microscope of my mind 
what this
is. Living is curiousity, and when there is none - you are done.  

So while I challenge the sense and sensibility of those in power and leading us to the 
abyss, I
know in their own minds there is some sort of inner personal logic taking place. But 
there are
some tools sorely missed, - real hope, real humanity, real foresight, and this is what 
has killed
the one main ingredient of hope we need to wade through this mess.  TRUST.  My fear 
and latest
assailant on my hope, is that there is no trust and almost no chance it can be 
repaired - TRUELY
repaired. Even if we all stretched our arms, and wrapped ourselves around eachother, 
right now,
what chance that other plans would not be slyly being made.  What trust is, can not be 
It is the basis for your work, your love, your family, your friendships, your ego.  To 
trust your

So for all the strategies discussed I believe even thinking of one is preposterous, at 
this point.
 It is putting the cart before the horse.  Until we, who claim to be such servants of 
a GOD, do
reach out and hug and love and listen and talk and find the common denominators 
amongst us, with a
genuine and true curiousity and exchange, we can never have a trust enough to design a 
that all can participate in.  And that would be the strategy, one that can lead us 
forward in
peace ... not into some band-aid of a war.

So ahh yes there will be those who say - and there she goes head in the clouds again.  
I say
better than up my ass, because for all the so called trust and so called pragmatic 
making, I see us on the edge of the world about to jump without a net .... and just 
how sensible
is that?      


NP: Phoebe Snow/Harpo's Blues
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