--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > CM writes:
> << http://www.acronymfinder.com >>
It found two out of the five I looked up. I was
semi-impressed that it found any of them. It didn't
find either of the two Joni song acronyms I tried
(what kind of a crap website IS that anyway?) Nor did
it find SIQUOMB. Most of the time, I don't care enough
to bother looking things up and I just make up my own
definitions. Usually I like mine better. (Not that I'm
an egomaniac or anything - sheesh! da noiva some
people!) I prefer to think of Siquomb as being some
Haida god or something. I was disappointed when I
found out it was a freakin' acronym! I'm glad Joni
moved past that.


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