...and the one in November was one of my first dates with Ashara...;~)  Except 
she...well, never mind how she felt about Dylan.  

I was crazy enough (not by JMDL standards, of course) to fly to S.F. for the May 
performance, and then met up with Ashara and the rest of the gang (including Kenny, 
bless his soul) in MSG in New York.  What a time.

PS Have you thought about your NEJonifest raffle item donation recently?  

 -----Original Message-----
 From: Kate Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: Today's Library Links: March 18
 it sure does seem like yesterday...this was one of our (jeff & 
 me) first
 dates! he sure knew how to impress me...dylan his fav, joni 
 mine...a match
 made in heaven! as i've said before, dylan was as superb as 
 joni that night
 >>Seems just like yesterday. Sigh.........
 >1998: "Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison will join Dylan on West 
 Coast tour" -
 San Diego Union-Tribune
 >    (News Item)
 >    http://www.jmdl.com/articles/view.cfm?id=322<<
 Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
 Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
 Over the Moon-
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 to life almost like magic" All Music Guide
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
 committed citizens can change the world,
 indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
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