Dear fellow JMDL'ers:
Yes, I abuse you, yet again, with another "sighting"
that I discovered:
In the 1980 satirical title, "The Official Preppy
Handbook" by Lisa Birnbach, (for all those who don't
remember, this was a send-up of all things East Coast
Establishment/Top Drawer), the author lists the five
best musical selections for a Sunday brunch.  These
musical selections were considered the best choices as
"Music to Drink Bloodies by".  "Bloodies" are, of
course, Sunday morning Bloody Marys as one nurses a
hangover from the previous nights' debauchery:

1.  J.S. Bach, Brandenberg Concerti
2.  The Beatles, Rubber Soul
3.  Handel:  Water Music
4.  Joni Mitchell, Court and Spark
5.  Vivaldi:  The Four Seasons

Considering the competition, I don't suppose we should
feel too bad that C&S only made it to Fourth Place!  
Andy Smith
Greenbrae, CA  

Andrew J. Smith

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