First of all, I know the world is in a state of turmoil and war right now
and I'm having as  hard a time as anyone I guess but I hope to soon bring a
ray of sunshine, peace and love into the world-that's how I've been
surviving all along for the past two years, doing what I can to make the
world a better place, and not succumbing to fear, uncertainty, and terror. 
In a weird way, it's almost fitting as I wrote "Parsonage Lane" the night
before Sept 11, a day that really woke up the western world to the reality
of terrorism, really bringing it close to home.  What I hope is that
"Parsonage Lane", the album, will wake people up to how beautiful the world
can be, and stir up some wonderful, good energy that we so sorely need
right now.  

Second of all, I want to thank Joni Mitchell because if it wasn't for her
music, there would never have been a JMDL or a jonifest, I would never have
gone to Topsfield, never would have flown out of Boston, never would have
flown to New York for "Bobfest", and I could go on and on but I'll stop
here and just say thank you Joni!

Now for the details!  We are now accepting preorders for "Parsonage Lane". 
Each copy is $15.00 in US dollars.  And there will be NO SHIPPING charges. 
None!!!  I know these are difficult times and hope this will help a little
bit.  This is for preorders only and includes all DOMESTIC AND
INTERNATIONAL orders, and is good for all orders whether you order 1,2,4,
or any number of copies.  Just send a check or international money
order($15 for each copy) made payable to:

Victor Johnson
PO Box 43
Decatur, Georgia 30031

Parsonage Lane track listing:

1. Heavenly Eyes
2. Real World
3. Parsonage Lane
4. Carolina ( for James Taylor)
5. Master of the Ring
6. Broken Candles
7. September Bride
8. Accidental Angel
9. Wendy
10. Moonbeams
11. Boomerang Love
12. Scarlet
13. If the World Should End
14. Sailing

Please email me if you have any questions...I'll continue to keep you
posted but everything is rolling along and the artwork, which I saw today,
is just breathtaking.  I'm working six days a week at Whole Foods Market
right now so haven't had much time to post but I hope everyone is  doing
alright and hope you're getting an opportunity to enjoy some of the
beautiful weather we've been having here the past few days.


--- Victor Johnson
Look for the new album, Parsonage Lane, coming this spring!
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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