Hey Everybody - Listen Up Please ....

Especially those of you in the midwest or plannning to visit in the next month or so.  
I received
an email today from Rob, one of the performers from "Dark Cafe Days"  here in Chicago. 
 It would
be cool if we all wave hello right now, cause Rob has joined the list! <waving to Rob> 
 OK not
only that, but I have enclosed his email - so that I don't screw up the info - it 
looks like the
Joni cabaret continues with an extension - so anybody for more Chicago festing let me 
know. The
show is great as per my previous review and its a great environment as well.  Rob hope 
you don't
mind I passed this along, I did take out a sentence here and there. 

It would be fun in the spring to visit Chicago and see Rob and Alison and Anne perform 
this as
well as they do! AND they are TOTALLY FUN!  It also helps get Joni out there and in 
the mainstream
view, or reacquaints people with her work.  And any time we can recruit new admirers 
or recapture
some old ones for The Queen of Mind Beauty - let's get it on!  Cause we know if we 
want to see
some of those faves (Blue Motel Room) become standards, we need people to hear it 
again and again
and then they tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on  ....

So welcome Rob and please feel free to post, I will be talking to you and seeing you 


Rob wrote:
I have been telling everyone I know about you singing Blue as Ethel.  Too funny. 

I wanted to say thanks again for comin' to the show last week.  I'm glad you all liked 
it.  We had
some good press there this weekend.  I think the Reader is going to feature us as the 
Choice this week.  So Donna and Sue offered us an extension and I was hoping you could 
help me get
the word out there to the Joni people. 

I subscibed to the "Only Joni" list - I haven't quite figured out the website or how 
to reply or
post or anything.  But I have enjoyed reading all of the stuff.  Wish I would have 
been able to
make it to the Wall to Wall Joni thing.  

Anyway - so next month (and probably May) Foiled Again is doing "Dark Cafe Days" 
Sundays at 9:00
PM - no show on Easter.  $15 cover + 2 drinks.  The drink part hasn't seemed to have 
been a
problem for the true Joni fans!  Raised on robbery indeed. 

Talk to you soon - hope you come back and see us again. 

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