"Lama, Jim L'Hommedieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>I know the nomadic Kurds are
>>thankful tonight.  I doubt that we'll ever stop protecting them in my
>>lifetime.  Isn't that a good thing?  Isn't that the highest calling a
>>super-power can strive towards?

Saddam Hussein was our (USA) boy when he gassed the Kurds with chemicals he bought and 
developed with our help and we looked the other way when he did because we were using 
him to whip Iran because they had thrown out our boy, the Shah. And he used those same 
WMDs on the Iranians, too, but not an official American peep to be heard.

During the long pre-war PR buildup, Bush, et al., maintained that Hussein had to 
disarm if he wanted to avoid forceful deposition. So much for liberating the oppressed 
Iraqis and Kurds ... "lucky" for them he refused to comply.


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