>  By the time the piece was over, I was literally shaking, awash in tears and trying 
> to hold back from sobbing. I looked at Debra and she was in a similar state. We all 
> were on our feet applauding & cheering and finally releasing what Helga had given to 
> us. Like Debra said, Helga herself was so emotionally spent that she needed her 
> bandmates to support her and help her offstage.

You mean she used the old James Brown shtick?
Just kidding, this sounds amazing.

> Garland Jeffreys - Peoples Parties, You Turn Me On Me On I'm A Radio:

> Garland also was quoted in the program:"Joni Mitchell has stood at the vanguard of 
> songwriters from the moment she hit the public and has remained there, paving the 
> way for the rest of us to explore the world of music beyond three chords".

To which I would add:  she has helped the rest of us to explore the
world of chords beyond three notes.

Thanks for the great reporting, Bob!

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