> OK, we're about 2/3 of the way through...thanks to those of you who may be 
> interested enough to read all of this. I'm enjoying reliving it all in my mind!

Me, too, very much so as I read what you've written. Great reporting

You're "2/3 of the way through" comment reminds me of how the announcers
throughout the day would give the countdown, as in, for example, "we
have 11 hours to go..."  Then, after many concerts worth of enjoyable
and sometimes overwhelming music, it felt shocking at one point to
hear... "4 1/2 hours to go..."  The time went amazingly quickly, though.
That cliche about when you're having fun must be true!

What a great event this was, in so many ways! In addition to the music,
I also liked the community feel of it all (hey, let's put on a show!),
and the warmth and enthusiasm of the staff and the various announcers
and the artists. And the audience was completely into it, too. There
wasn't nearly as much moving around and jostling and distractions as I
expected, so obviously the place was filled with music lovers. So
Symphony Space has hooked me with this event. Now, I'm wondering who
next year's Wall to Waller will be...

Debra Shea

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