--- mack watson-bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Ken wrote:
>   As I look back, I think
> > I was happiest cutting lawns.
> Me too Ken.  Great days.  When I remember those
> times, I don't even remember
> the green fingers or the dirt.  My mom designated me
> lawn boy and I did it
> without question, for who else would do it?  Girls
> didn't do those kinds of
> things around our house and my big brother was gone
> away by the time we
> moved into town.  

Well, here's one girl who did mow the lawn! I enjoyed
it. We had an electric lawn mower. True lawn fanatics
will tell you electric mowers are no good - it's gotta
be a gas-powered Lawnboy. Well, now I have a
gas-powered Lawnboy (that was left by the previous
owner of the house) and it's old, and it's stinky, and
it's almost impossible to start the damn thing. It
cuts the lawn just fine, but I can't stand the stink -
if I try to mow the lawn on an empty stomach, I throw
up (isn't that a lovely image?) If I can get the cash
together, I'll get rid of it and get an electric that
does an OK job, or even one of the manual push mowers
- I love the sound they make, and the smell of
fresh-mown grass is so wonderful.


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