In a message dated 3/25/2003 8:43:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, RoseMJoy 

> I loved that one
> and wasn't there this magic in the air Bob, or was it just me?
> The audience was great!
The audience WAS great. When I first came in, I didn't see Debra right away, 
so I sat down for the start of the performance and carried on a great 
conversation with the couple next to me. They were amazed that I had flown in 
from SC for the event. 

Then throughout the day as people would come & go, or when I'd go to the 
bathroom or something, I'd talk to the people around me and share the 
enthusiasm. After Mingus Big Band, I high-fived this guy coming out of the 
bathroom. We didn't have to exchange a word, he knew what I meant. I don't 
know if it was *magic*, but it WAS pretty friggin' awesome!

I would like to say that it would have been great for the whole JMDL to be 
there in the 760-seat theatre, but if that happened there probably would have 
been lots of fighting - LOL!


NP: The Replacements, "I Will Dare" (live)

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