--- ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>
> that man scares me a whole lot. he reminds me of one
> of those really, really
> stupid people with a huge chip on their shoulder
> whove now got into a
> position of petty authority, like a security guard
> or a policeman, and are
> now going to exercise their authority no matter what
> anyone says.
> except his authority is not petty. he might well
> turn out to be one of the
> most dangerous men in history, with the power to
> destroy and the stupidity
> to use it.....
> i disliked him from the moment i first saw him on
> tv. and its just got worse
> since then.

He has the same effect on me. My mother used to have
this immense dislike of Canadian politician and former
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. She said she could
never look at him without wanting to vomit. I have a
similar reaction looking at Dubya. It's just visceral
and it goes way back to before the war in Iraq and the
whole thing. He scares the crap out of me.

There's a columnist in the Toronto Star who writes a
column on TV. Her last few have been devoted to TV
coverage of the war in Iraq. One thing that stood out
for me in Saturday's column was this:

"one thing U.S. TV didn't show but BBC beamed around
the world: live video of President George W. Bush
having his hair pouffed as he fidgeted in the Oval
Office just before Wednesday night's speech announcing
the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom.Knight-Ridder
newspapers reported he pumped his fist and said,
'Feels good.'"

Scary, innit? If you're interested, here's a link to
the column by Antonia Zerbisias: 



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