All you creative people out there........get your pens, paper, pencils,
watercolors, pastels, scissors, oils, acryllics, crayons, magic markers and
other creative implements, and send your entries for the most WONDERFUL logo
for Jonifest 2003 to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1) Please no copyrighted pictures/drawings.

2) Please keep the Logo simple for ease of reproduction.

3) It should include the words Jonifest 2003 somewhere in the Logo. Feel free
to make up a slogan as well, if the spirit moves you.

4) Prize: My undying gratitude and the ENORMOUS prestige of having your logo
used for top secret Jonifest things. As in last year, there will be a
wonderful prize as well, to be given to the winner. (To be determined.)

5) All entries must be received by April 28, 2003.

Everyone out in JMDL land will have a chance to vote for their favorite logo.


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