it's carnival time across the land
and i wonder if joni ever participated in them as a child?
she must have

photo of my sister and I at age 7 and 5
in our carnival gear

okay okay
you can barely see the skates

oh, the days way back when
when i used to be cute


i imagine she might have worn just such a costume as i
and lined up against the wall for the obligatory photo op

only she probably Enjoyed performing
while i never did, never do

though i love skating, love singing, love dancing

there are so many of you on this list who sing in public
i can do it, i have as recently as two years ago (musical theatre)
but the only pleasure is in the rehearsals and the after-accolades

sad but true

i would love to hear how those of you who perform experience it
why you do it
why you do it
why you do it

i know joni didn't like performing for huge crowds
(she mentions this in the life and times bio)
but enjoyed the small venues

has anyone heard her say more about this, other than that she started doing
it in coffee houses because she needed the money and not because of some
inner urge or desire or need?

my idea of enjoyable "public" singing is a singalong where everyone sings
and their is no audience, or singing harmonies in a closed studio.


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