theodore wrote:

> Jesus also says a house divided
>cannot stand, so you can't both want peace and want to kill these guys.
yes i forgot irony is an english thing....

>Although I do know how you feel.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:13 AM
>To: Lucy Hone
>Subject: Re: WAR NJC, lucy's two pennyworth
>Lucy Hone wrote:
>>Powerful stuff Debra, in Digest 196.
>>What war we wage (and I use "we" here as a general word before the
>"count me
>>outs" get worried) continues long after the battle guns have ceased
>their hymn
>>to destruction. 
>it is now more than obvious we have been lied to. It is about oil after 
>all, and not about terrorism. it si about gettign rid of Saddam and 
>getting the oil. USA has already stated it will be 'administrating' Iraq
>once it is over, and NOT the UN. They ahev already takren steps to 
>secure the oil wells. Blair looks a right prat now. And will we profit 
>from it? No. The contracts have already gone to USA companies.
>And our Chancellor has just given 3 bn pounds for the war effort. Yet 
>peopel are dying on waiting lists for hopital treate,mtn. i still ahev 
>not had my heart test and it will be another 8 weeks at elast before I 
>get it....#
>And these arseholes clal themselves Xtians?
>'many will call me Lord and I will turn away because I will not know
>It makes me want to shoot the bastards.....

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