I've heard bin-laden does not like saddam. Iran and Syria are deemed
bigger terrorism threats. Even if iraq was directly responsible for
9/11. I do not believe war is the answer. Violence is a cycle. To be the
moral leaders of the world we need to be just that. As far as I can tell
bush has made us all terrorists and murderers. I don't believe in the
death penalty either for the same reason. Two wrongs don't make it
right. I think that if one of those people that died on 9/11 could come
back they would say "we've got to have peace."

-----Original Message-----
blonde in the bleachers
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Iraq-NJC

<Iraq was not behind 9/11>

You can guess they didn't help, but you can't be sure.

>From: Ruth Davis >Reply-To: Ruth Davis >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject:
Iraq-sjc (little) >Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 17:18:41 GMT > >While some of
the discussion is focusing on Iraq, I'd like to share the following with
you all. I worked Joni in at the end, although I had to alter her lyric
slightly: > >ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE WAR >This war sets a dangerous
precedent. Iraq was not behind 9/11. We have no reason to believe there
is an Al Qaeda link to Saddam Hussein. While Saddam is a brutal
others exist in the world today. Will we go to war to depose all of
You dont just march into a sovereign nation, no matter how corrupt, and
overthrow its government. That is for the people of that country to do
their own, if they can. > >The potential backlash of a war with Iraq is
very real threat. Iraq, or groups sympathetic to Iraq, could easily
initiate a retaliatory attack either against our allies in the Gulf
region, or else here in the U.S. Who knows how many terrorists remain
embedded in the U.S. Or, Iraq could sell its remaining chemical and
biological weapons to various rogue terrorist groups. > >We have lost
support of many of our allies  France, Germany, etc. We are tarnishing
the already weakened status of the UN. We are provoking France, Germany
and Russia to struggle to assert themselves to keep us in check. Our
image of fairness, of upholding international law, is tarnished as well.
We are also refusing to face the real major cause of tension in the
Middle East, namely, the Israeli/Palestinian situation. > >Fighting this
war will be costly. The $75 billion Bush asked Congress for is just the
first installment. Our economy is already weak now. The war will be a
constant drain on our resources. That is exactly the thing that will
please Osama bin Laden (remember him?): A constant drip, drip, drip of
our resources dragging us down until we all go down the drain.
wherever he is, he must be pleased that we have launched our war against
Iraq. > >Occupying and reforming Iraq, presuming we win, will be even
more expensive than the war itself. Our presence in the region will be a
constant thorn in the side of all the other Arab nations, who will be
angered by our arrogance, interference and pride in believing we can
dictate to another country the shape their government should take. You
cant take democracy and shove it down peoples throats like a pill.
Plus, democracy here in the U.S. is being eroded now. > >For additional
study, check out this website: www.911pi.com
>When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a
European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is
violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind.
When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it
breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not
belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or
system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. >--J.
Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known, pp.51-52 > >Like a barbed wire
fence, strung tight, strung tense, every notion we subscribe to, every
pretense, is just a Borderline > -- Joni Mitchell > >One love, one
lets get together and well feel all right. > --Bob Marley > > >Ruth in


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