This from the Cincinnati Post -- looks close to martial law  to me, in some 
ways anyway. I don't know if Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft, etc. have intentions to 
use level red to strip the public of its rights....but let's face it, the 
changes implemented with the Patrict Act, when combined with a declared 
threat level red, would certainly make it quite feasible to do so. Apparently 
there is a Patriot Act II in the works...see <A HREF=""></A>.


By Michael Collins 
Post Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- National landmarks like the Washington Monument, Ellis Island 
and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis could be shut down. Planes could be 
grounded, trains could stop running, and bridges and tunnels could be closed. 
U.S. borders might be sealed off, and roadblocks might be set up on 
interstates and other major highways. 

The United States is prepared to go into lock-down mode if the government 
should raise the nation's terror alert to Code Red, the highest threat level 
for terrorism. Code Red means there is a severe risk of terrorist attack, or 
that an attack is imminent or may already be under way. 

"It essentially means you stop doing everything except protecting yourself," 
said Dave McIntyre, deputy director of the ANSER Institute for Homeland 
Security, a nonprofit research group in Arlington, Va. 

Homeland security officials have put Americans on notice to brace for the 
possibility of terrorist attacks while the country is at war with Iraq. The 
threat level was raised to orange, the second highest, just two days before 
the war began last week. 

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