--- "Lama, Jim L'Hommedieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > I dunno.  All of the pre-press says that PBS
> going to show the full 2
> hours in one straight shot.
> 1.  If that's so, then the PBS version has more than
> two subtitles.  In the
> PR, my local affiliate calls Wednesday night's show,
> 'Joni Mitchell: Chords
> of Inquiry'.

There is a Joni-quote in Woman of blah-blah where
she's talking about her weird tunings and calls them
"Chords of Inquiry." This may have been a working
title. Apparently, as you point out, there were a few
before they settled on something (maybe "settled" like
a fly, for a nano-second, before "settling" on
something else.)

> But then in the schedule they call it 'American
> Masters: Joni Mitchell:
> Woman of Heart and Mind "Joni Mitchell: Chords of
> Inquiry"' and show what
> appears to show a 75minute slot on Wednesday night.
> That doesn't match the
> PR for the USA version (a single two-hour block) nor
> does it support 2
> one-hour segments that Canada got.

The Canadian version was shown in two one-hour pieces.
There was an intro by Anne Marie McDonald (no relation
to Ronald), a Canadian writer and actor - this would
have been CBC's own thing. There were also commercial
breaks (done in tasteful and logical places so, even
though they were commercials, they didn't annoy as
much as they usually do - when I say "tasteful and
logical", it's along the lines of, well, if I must be
tortured, then I'm so glad they're playing that nice
music in the background feeling you get when you're at
the dentist.) 

That should bring total running time of the film
itself under 90 minutes. I understood the CBC version
did cut a bit from the "other" version. I don't know
where I read that, but it wouldn't surprise me, since
the CRTC allows more commercials per hour than US
television does and there's always a minute or two
missing from the Simpsons as aired on Canadian TV
compared to what airs on US TV - sometimes it's
glaringly obvious that something's missing, but most
of the time, it's not noticeable (unless you happen to
catch the same episode on a US channel and wonder how
you happened to miss that part.)

What worries me most is the possibility of a 75-minute
time slot. It would be so like PBS to stick a
pledge-raising thing in there somewhere to bring total
running time to 90 or 120. I plan to tape this puppy
(whether it ends up being the same as what I already
taped off CBC or not) and since I will be taping off
my TV at work (it's brand new and its VCR works
exactly as it should), I'd be really disappointed to
have the whines of "your phone call could make the
difference" and "we'll shut up as soon as we've got
$10,000 in pledges, so c'mon now and call us at
1-800-bla-blah right now and we can get back to Joni
Mitchell!" in the middle of it.


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