Ashes!!! thanks for sharing...these are very very good. Yes offering up some lightness 
into these dark days is most welcome!!!!
a mondegreen i would like to add:
from Song for Sharon:
misheard: shine your light on me Mr. Berti. 
real lyric: shine your light on me Miss Liberty.
kinda cute I thought ;-)
as for Sisotowbell Lane...I love it too... for that matter , I love the whole album 
and it continues to grow on me every time I listen. It truly is a lullabye for me. 
I can visualize Mia's interpretation very clearly. There are hints of this part of 
Joni's life in so many of her songs. 
And I can also see Catherine's. I spent many summer holidays and weekends on a farm in 
southern ontario...and the images that Joni paints in this song are very similar to my 
memories of sitting in the middle of simpler times...drinking water from a well, 
pumped by hand, the creaking of old wooden rocking chairs out on the front 
porch...beautiful wild flowers in the garden...a barn which became everything under 
the sun that my little girl imagination could conjur up under the heat of summer sun 
days. My childhood sanctuary, paradise on earth that lives inside me still. My Aunt 
Laura could have easily been the centre piece of this song. 
Mags, singing songs of joy and peace

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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