Bruce Kimerer wrote:

"Her interviews: She was so relaxed, grounded, warm-spirited, candid, real
- -- with no sense of the  bitterness that's been inferred from her other
recent interviews. Makes me wonder how words on the page divorced from the
voice and expression of the speaker can communicate a meaning not truly

Bruce, I've thought for a while that this was true, especially with regard to
Joni.  As one who has had the privilege of meeting her (YIKES!  It still
confounds me sometimes that that actually happened), I found her way of
communicating in person to be thoroughly and completely captivating.  Her
conversation includes so much to enrich it that is utterly lost on the printed
page:  a sparkle in the eye, a sly smile, a little twist of the mouth, the
raising of an eyebrow, and other similar mannerisms that Joni may have to an
even greater degree than the rest of us do.  Some of that came through to good
effect in the contemporary interview used in the program.  As many here have
said, Joni is a storyteller, a raconteur.  I think you almost have to hear her
TELL the story to get its full meaning and effect.

In any event, I wondered, after meeting her, just how much of the
misunderstandings with the press over the years have been due to the fact
that, for one who has such an advanced appreciation for the nuances of words,
Joni seems remarkably tone-deaf to just how her words will appear on the cold
page, devoid of their context.

But if I criticize, I do so out of appreciation, and much, much respect.


P.S.  Wasn't it amazing to see the great tenderness Graham Nash and Larry
Klein still obviously have for Joni?  Perhaps it's not surprising that they
feel it, but that they are both so open about it, so many years later
(especially in Nash's case).

My favorite part of the whole show, though, was probably Klein's comment that,
with the advent of Kilauren and her grandchildren into her life, Joni was now
experiencing "a master class in love."

As Sue Mac might say, WAAAAAHHHH!!!  ;-)

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