Hi, beloved JMDLers!

Lori wrote:
<<"Most important era"?  Perhaps, but imnsho (that would be, "in my not-
so-humble opinion"), that's because it's the period when Joni "made it"
professionally.  Of course it's also the period that labeled her
a "folk singer."  A label Joni despises.

As for favorite era, I'll cast my vote for the "trilogy" period of
HOSL, Hejira, and DJRD.  Lyrically and musically, it can't be beat.>>

Well it is!
In my personal case, that were the exact time I discovered our Wonder Queen:
Remember, after hearing Blue in one of my first nights in other people's house
(that joyous & calm discovering of brothers/lovers-of-art) I borrowed HOSL in
a store just to find at home how difficult it was: I certainly grew with it.
The day Hejira came to La Coruqa: you could see me headphones on, and running
to home (previous pass at cash, my dears, :-)
so to enjoy it more, and more, and more...

Really, I'm not pleased by the idea of regarding workArts as a "trilogy":
indeed, I shiver when I hear some artist ,  except painters, spell that word.
I get the feeling that there's a way of reducing the precious singularity of
(can I use that word?!) sacred "Leaves of Grass"

I must admit everyone can see HOSL is the beginning of a new era (more risqui,
more rich), but, aren't each'n everyone previous
Joni's works a real/royal *dawn*?
    and  DJRD, so clear a son of the other two, but so footloose and  fancy
free!    (I love your english aliterations)  !Baila, Baila!

talking about "my dear Amazon.com" as it's called by our great writer Antonio
Muqoz Molina, I just received an e-mail from A.France announcing the sending
of NRH, MOA and STAS (with Barbara's Mogador :-o) : a month ago when I decided
to purchase NRH (my kind thanks to Vince and Vincenzo) I found more Joni's
references in subsidiary Amazon France than at the central house: supposed it
was eventual. Indeed, they're  Imports (that's the reason for two weeks
delaying, count two more to think of money): thanks heavens la pirfida Albisn
uk always have real music lovers more authentic than Cherry's husband. It's
avalieable also Painting with words and music, so I hope WOHM will have an
European (zone 2) edition soon.

So my joy: seeing those chart sales figures on your country and imagining my
brand new discs on the road, coming home!

To cut this short: the seasons go round and round: being now a family man I
don't spend many nights in friend's houses: but I've found JMDL!
from six weeks on I *really* enjoy your company: I'm learning (leisurely) a
lot: I love all our threads: about SISOTWBELL and your child souvenirs, your
moving emotions enjoying WOHM, W2W (with special mention to KingUnderCover
Bob)... even the ones about Polanski's acclaim. Some days I found myself
dedicating almost enterily my free-time-at-studio reading those great full
digests: I must confess I'm still surprised & pleased at the high number of
interesting e-mails of this wonderful list.

Ditto: not Joni only, but Joni list is the only list for me!

PEACE and LOVE to you all!

Emiliano: ten metres to Atlantic ocean

NP: Don Juan reckless daughter
Now I'm in joy

PS: The TRUTH is, She's really the Queen of BEAUTY (and FREEDOM)

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