Kerry wrote:

"Are there any Claudia Schmidt fans out there?

I was really into her music when I was in college (about 20 years ago), but
sort of "lost touch" with her. My best friend asked me if I wanted to go
see her last night, so we drove through a horrible sleet storm to this
wonderful tiny cafe/pub in a small Wisconsin town about an hour an a half
from Milwaukee. There were only about 15 people there, so it felt like a
personal concert and we had a lot of chances to chat with her. Claudia was
just as I remembered her...."

Me too, me too!  I saw Claudia at the late, great Blue River Cafe in Milwaukee in the 
spring of 1980.  I know she appeared in Madison in the late 80's, although I wasn't 
able to catch her that time.  

I, too, remember her rendition of "Since I Fell for You," and am glad she is still 
working.  However, I hope that the low turnout last night was due to the weather 
conditions, not lack of interest.  She certainly deserves an audience of greater than 
15 people (even though I'm very happy for those 15!).

Mary P.

P.S.  Kerry, congrats for deciding to brave the elements, and glad you made it there 
and back safely.

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