In a message dated 4/5/03 6:15:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< yes ... i admit ... i did not shed one tear.  actually, i guess i cannot 

why one would shed tears over this program (WOHAM) - she said naively.  joni

did not die.  she is not finis.  i've never been one to get all mushy over


heather >>

    Hummmm... interesting.  Of course, we're all different so it shouldn't 
surprise anyone that we all are affected differently by various stimuli.  As 
far as why anyone would?
    It's not that anyone died or is "finished"; it's really not a sad thing 
in this case.  It's like why people cry at weddings, the birth of a child, 
things like that... emotional moments.  I can go to a wedding and not cry at 
all, especially if the people getting married aren't very close to me. But if 
it's someone I've been close to all my life, or the daughter of a friend who 
I've known since we went to high school together... it hits you differently. 
I watched her grow from a baby to a woman and now she's starting a new life 
with someone she loves.  I feel something from that.
    I guess your emotional threshold is just different than mine. 

    Kenny B 

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