Hey Lukas,

of course, I should have put that in originally.

The call site looks like this:

DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, userName, password).use { conn ->

    val context = DSL.using(conn, dialect)
    val result = context.select(

Although, If I comment that code out it just fails the next time I use



On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 11:49 AM Lukas Eder <lukas.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Thanks for your message. Can you show your code that calls the where()
> function?
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 12:35 PM Kevin Jones <ke...@knowledgespike.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running on Kotlin 1.9.22 with the Java 17 toolchain.
>> I've hitting a problem after upgrading from JOO! 3.18.7 to 3.19.x
>> Database is MariaDB
>> Using Gradle as the build system
>> My code has not changed but when I run my app now I'm getting this
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null:
>> method com.knowledgespike.db.tables.Matchsubtype.where, parameter condition
>> At the point in my code where this exception is thrown nothing is null
>> (this is in Kotlin and there are no nullable types or platform types
>> involved at that part of the code.
>> If I revert back to 3.18.x and make no further changes then everything is
>> OK.
>> It's not stopping me at the moment as I can stay on 3.18.x
>> The stack trace looks like this:
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null:
>> method com.knowledgespike.db.tables.Matchsubtype.where, parameter condition
>> at org.jooq_3.19.1.MARIADB.debug(Unknown Source)
>> at com.knowledgespike.db.tables.Matchsubtype.where(Matchsubtype.kt)
>> at com.knowledgespike.db.tables.Matchsubtype.where(Matchsubtype.kt:46)
>> at org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.<init>(InlineDerivedTable.java:66)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.derivedTable(InlineDerivedTable.java:221)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.inlineDerivedTable(InlineDerivedTable.java:212)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.hasInlineDerivedTables(InlineDerivedTable.java:78)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.lambda$hasInlineDerivedTables$1(InlineDerivedTable.java:83)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Tools.findAny(Tools.java:2304)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Tools.anyMatch(Tools.java:2257)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.hasInlineDerivedTables(InlineDerivedTable.java:83)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.InlineDerivedTable.transformInlineDerivedTables(InlineDerivedTable.java:87)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.toSQLReference0(SelectQueryImpl.java:2519)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.lambda$toSQLReferenceLimitDefault$8(SelectQueryImpl.java:2043)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.toggle(AbstractContext.java:414)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.data(AbstractContext.java:425)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.toSQLReferenceLimitDefault(SelectQueryImpl.java:2043)
>> at org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.accept0(SelectQueryImpl.java:1885)
>> at org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.accept(SelectQueryImpl.java:1556)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.AbstractDelegatingQuery.accept(AbstractDelegatingQuery.java:90)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Tools.visitSubquery(Tools.java:2921)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Tools.visitSubquery(Tools.java:2894)
>> at org.jooq.impl.ScalarSubquery.accept(ScalarSubquery.java:92)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:281)
>> at org.jooq.impl.In.lambda$accept$1(In.java:109)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Eq.acceptCompareCondition(Eq.java:155)
>> at org.jooq.impl.In.accept(In.java:102)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.Expression.acceptAssociative(Expression.java:937)
>> at org.jooq.impl.And.accept(And.java:118)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:276)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.ConditionProviderImpl.accept(ConditionProviderImpl.java:151)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:276)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.toSQLReference0(SelectQueryImpl.java:2572)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.lambda$toSQLReferenceLimitDefault$8(SelectQueryImpl.java:2043)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.toggle(AbstractContext.java:414)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.data(AbstractContext.java:425)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.toSQLReferenceLimitDefault(SelectQueryImpl.java:2043)
>> at org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.accept0(SelectQueryImpl.java:1885)
>> at org.jooq.impl.SelectQueryImpl.accept(SelectQueryImpl.java:1556)
>> at
>> org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.visit0(DefaultRenderContext.java:726)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractContext.visit(AbstractContext.java:371)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.getSQL0(AbstractQuery.java:513)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractQuery.execute(AbstractQuery.java:303)
>> at org.jooq.impl.AbstractResultQuery.fetch(AbstractResultQuery.java:290)
>> at org.jooq.impl.SelectImpl.fetch(SelectImpl.java:3232)
>> at
>> com.knowledgespike.teamvteam.database.ProcessTeams.getCountOfMatchesBetweenTeams(ProcessTeams.kt:163)
>> at
>> com.knowledgespike.teamvteam.database.ProcessTeams.process(ProcessTeams.kt:78)
>> at
>> com.knowledgespike.teamvteam.Application$Companion$processAllCompetitions$2$4$job$1.invokeSuspend(Application.kt:197)
>> at
>> kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
>> at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108)
>> at
>> kotlinx.coroutines.internal.LimitedDispatcher$Worker.run(LimitedDispatcher.kt:115)
>> at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.TaskImpl.run(Tasks.kt:103)
>> at
>> kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584)
>> at
>> kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793)
>> at
>> kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697)
>> at
>> kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684)
>> and the generated table in question (Matchsubtype) looke like this
>> @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
>> open class Matchsubtype(
>> alias: Name,
>> path: Table<out Record>?,
>> childPath: ForeignKey<out Record, MatchsubtypeRecord>?,
>> parentPath: InverseForeignKey<out Record, MatchsubtypeRecord>?,
>> aliased: Table<MatchsubtypeRecord>?,
>> parameters: Array<Field<*>?>?,
>> where: Condition?
>> ): TableImpl<MatchsubtypeRecord>(
>> alias,
>> Cricketarchive.CRICKETARCHIVE,
>> path,
>> childPath,
>> parentPath,
>> aliased,
>> parameters,
>> DSL.comment(""),
>> TableOptions.table(),
>> where,
>> ) {
>> companion object {
>> /**
>> * The reference instance of <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType</code>
>> */
>> val MATCHSUBTYPE: Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype()
>> }
>> /**
>> * The class holding records for this type
>> */
>> override fun getRecordType(): Class<MatchsubtypeRecord> =
>> MatchsubtypeRecord::class.java
>> /**
>> * The column <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType.Id</code>.
>> */
>> val ID: TableField<MatchsubtypeRecord, Int?> = createField(DSL.name("Id"),
>> SQLDataType.INTEGER.nullable(false).identity(true), this, "")
>> /**
>> * The column <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType.MatchType</code>.
>> */
>> val MATCHTYPE: TableField<MatchsubtypeRecord, String?> = createField(DSL
>> .name("MatchType"), SQLDataType.VARCHAR(20).nullable(false), this, "")
>> /**
>> * The column <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType.MatchId</code>.
>> */
>> val MATCHID: TableField<MatchsubtypeRecord, Int?> = createField(DSL.name(
>> "MatchId"), SQLDataType.INTEGER.nullable(false), this, "")
>> private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table<MatchsubtypeRecord>?):
>> this(alias, null, null, null, aliased, null, null)
>> private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table<MatchsubtypeRecord>?,
>> parameters: Array<Field<*>?>?): this(alias, null, null, null, aliased,
>> parameters, null)
>> private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table<MatchsubtypeRecord>?,
>> where: Condition): this(alias, null, null, null, aliased, null, where)
>> /**
>> * Create an aliased <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType</code> table
>> * reference
>> */
>> constructor(alias: String): this(DSL.name(alias))
>> /**
>> * Create an aliased <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType</code> table
>> * reference
>> */
>> constructor(alias: Name): this(alias, null)
>> /**
>> * Create a <code>cricketarchive.MatchSubType</code> table reference
>> */
>> constructor(): this(DSL.name("MatchSubType"), null)
>> constructor(path: Table<out Record>, childPath: ForeignKey<out Record,
>> MatchsubtypeRecord>?, parentPath: InverseForeignKey<out Record,
>> MatchsubtypeRecord>?): this(Internal.createPathAlias(path, childPath,
>> parentPath), path, childPath, parentPath, MATCHSUBTYPE, null, null)
>> /**
>> * A subtype implementing {@link Path} for simplified path-based joins.
>> */
>> open class MatchsubtypePath : Matchsubtype, Path<MatchsubtypeRecord> {
>> constructor(path: Table<out Record>, childPath: ForeignKey<out Record,
>> MatchsubtypeRecord>?, parentPath: InverseForeignKey<out Record,
>> MatchsubtypeRecord>?): super(path, childPath, parentPath)
>> private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table<MatchsubtypeRecord>):
>> super(alias, aliased)
>> override fun `as`(alias: String): MatchsubtypePath = MatchsubtypePath(DSL
>> .name(alias), this)
>> override fun `as`(alias: Name): MatchsubtypePath = MatchsubtypePath(alias,
>> this)
>> override fun `as`(alias: Table<*>): MatchsubtypePath = MatchsubtypePath(
>> alias.qualifiedName, this)
>> }
>> override fun getSchema(): Schema? = if (aliased()) null else
>> Cricketarchive.CRICKETARCHIVE
>> override fun getIndexes(): List<Index> = listOf(MATCHSUBTYPE_MATCHID,
>> override fun getIdentity(): Identity<MatchsubtypeRecord, Int?> = 
>> super.getIdentity()
>> as Identity<MatchsubtypeRecord, Int?>
>> override fun getPrimaryKey(): UniqueKey<MatchsubtypeRecord> =
>> override fun getReferences(): List<ForeignKey<MatchsubtypeRecord, *>> =
>> private lateinit var _matches: MatchesPath
>> /**
>> * Get the implicit join path to the <code>cricketarchive.Matches</code>
>> * table.
>> */
>> fun matches(): MatchesPath {
>> if (!this::_matches.isInitialized)
>> _matches = MatchesPath(this, MATCHSUBTYPE_IBFK_1, null)
>> return _matches;
>> }
>> val matches: MatchesPath
>> get(): MatchesPath = matches()
>> override fun `as`(alias: String): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(DSL.name(
>> alias), this)
>> override fun `as`(alias: Name): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(alias, this)
>> override fun `as`(alias: Table<*>): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(alias.
>> qualifiedName, this)
>> /**
>> * Rename this table
>> */
>> override fun rename(name: String): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(DSL.name(
>> name), null)
>> /**
>> * Rename this table
>> */
>> override fun rename(name: Name): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(name, null)
>> /**
>> * Rename this table
>> */
>> override fun rename(name: Table<*>): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(name.
>> qualifiedName, null)
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun where(condition: Condition): Matchsubtype = Matchsubtype(
>> qualifiedName, if (aliased()) this else null, condition)
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun where(conditions: Collection<Condition>): Matchsubtype =
>> where(DSL.and(conditions))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun where(vararg conditions: Condition): Matchsubtype = where(
>> DSL.and(*conditions))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun where(condition: Field<Boolean?>): Matchsubtype = where(DSL
>> .condition(condition))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> @PlainSQL override fun where(condition: SQL): Matchsubtype = where(DSL
>> .condition(condition))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> @PlainSQL override fun where(@Stringly.SQL condition: String): Matchsubtype
>> = where(DSL.condition(condition))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> @PlainSQL override fun where(@Stringly.SQL condition: String, vararg
>> binds: Any?): Matchsubtype = where(DSL.condition(condition, *binds))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> @PlainSQL override fun where(@Stringly.SQL condition: String, vararg
>> parts: QueryPart): Matchsubtype = where(DSL.condition(condition, *parts))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun whereExists(select: Select<*>): Matchsubtype = where(DSL
>> .exists(select))
>> /**
>> * Create an inline derived table from this table
>> */
>> override fun whereNotExists(select: Select<*>): Matchsubtype = where(DSL
>> .notExists(select))
>> }
>> HTH
>> Thanks
>> Kevin
>> --
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Kevin Jones

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