Hello Lukas,

In our Oracle->PG migration, we are using JOOQ's ParsingConnection to 
translate between dialects.

Similar to https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/11757,  we are facing issues 
with Oracle's NULL and empty string equivalence.
The assumption is prelevant across the codebase as we have a lot of code 
that expects setString('', i) to be nullified.
This is especially problematic when done on FK columns, as pg would 
complain for violating it (otherwise I wouldn't have found out about this 

The first straight-forward solution on our side is to add empty checks 
everywhere, but I am trying to avoid this path for obvious reasons.
I wonder if JOOQ  could do something about this, or if there is an 
equivalent to ParseListener for binding that would allow more flexibility 
in that area.

jooq version : 3.19.6
target sql dialect : POSTGRES_12
settings : 
Settings settings = new Settings()
.withTransformTableListsToAnsiJoin(true) // transform (+) to left outer join

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