its also relevant to notice that when writing Unit/Integration Tests on the 
typical SaaS REST-Endpoints we also should be able to let the DTOs be 
Serialized to JSON in a way, so that the JSON only contains the dirty data.
That helps to also use the DTOs within Unit-Tests. I currently need a 
Serializer/Deserializer for this, that i use in my Tests:

Bernd Huber schrieb am Donnerstag, 4. April 2024 um 17:57:20 UTC:

> Hello Lukas,
> happy, that the ideas are interesting :)
> i only used mariadb and mysql in my developers career.
> I will take a look at those capacities of Views and how they could help 
> with this relational datas/tree-structure that i call DTOs here.
> They could really often be a good basis for the typical relationships 
> between the database-tables.
> Mostly the DTOs are almost always a mapping of the already existing 
> relationships between database tables, and they correspond with what 
> Hibernate does with the Relationshop-Annotations (@OneToMany, @ManyToOne, 
> ...)
> So i think your approach to already let the definition be made on the 
> database-level is interesting! 
> I would find it awesome if such schema-defined JSON-Tree Structures would 
> result in Jooq generated Code for those, that would already contain the 
> relationships! 
> I wonder if this would support all cases (READ,  INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) 
> on elements of this JSON, but i guess it would be easy, as the database 
> only needed to save the JSON then.
> ---
> thanks for the other links, i will check them out! 
> ---
> sure i can share the AbstractDTO. 
> - 
> Its like this:
> - The Core-Project contains the AbstractDTO 
> - The Database-Project contains the Jooq-Codegen and depends on the 
> Core-Project only for this AbstractDTO (needs nothing else)
> - The Product-Project contains the Business-Logic and depends on the 
> generated Jooq-Code of the Database-Project, and also on the Core-Project 
> for Basic-Stuff (DAO-Abstraction, ...)
> schrieb am Donnerstag, 4. April 2024 um 07:32:50 UTC:
>> Hi Bernd,
>> Thanks for sharing all of this. Very interesting insight, also for future 
>> jOOQ features.
>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 4:36 PM 'Bernd Huber' via jOOQ User Group <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Lukas,
>>> yes, i would use them, but the jOOQ's records are representing the 
>>> Database-Layer and each jOOQ record represents a Table. For example:
>>> AuthorRecord represents Table Product
>>> BookRecord represents Table Book
>>> In a SaaS Application we typically need to have an intermediate Layer 
>>> (DTOs / Domain Transfer Objects) that are containing relationships data, 
>> and this Layer is between the REST-Endpoints and the Database-Layer. [...]
>> Just curious. You've probably explored and rejected this option. What 
>> about using database views for this? In general, I feel like all of what 
>> you're describing is exactly what Oracle 23c introduced with 
>> their  JSON-Relational Duality Views:
>> An incredible feature which I plan to support in jOOQ:
>> At first, jOOQ support would primarily consist in generating Java POJOs 
>> for the JSON data, possibly with Jackson annotations to help third parties. 
>> And then, also explore how it could be emulated on other RDBMS.
>> Even without Oracle's feature, views could help with:
>> - Reducing the visibility of certain columns
>> - Reusing both jOOQ-generated POJOs and Records (at least, if you can add 
>> the constraint information to the views: 
>> )
>> I've also thought about dirty tracking in generated POJOs in the past, 
>> though rejected it so far because of the substantial design effort if 
>> implemented on its own. POJOs are meant to be dependency free (from jOOQ), 
>> so how to implement all this logic without too much repetition? Perhaps, a 
>> AbstractDirtyTrackingPojo base class that is generated into generated code? 
>> Or generate duplicate tracking code nonetheless in each method? But in a 
>> bigger context, the feature becomes more re-usable, so let's add a new 
>> feature request to at least track the idea for the future:
>> Comparable requests have been rejected so far in Lombok (despite this 
>> being a prime use-case for Lombok!):
>>> Also it is important to separate DTOs from the Database-Layer, because 
>>> in the DTOs we can decide which fields should be hidden from the frontend
>> (password-field in the User-Table for example).
>> Again, views could help here. Also, jOOQ 3.20 will finally support hidden 
>> fields:
>> -
>> - 
>> Password columns are exactly a use-case for this.
>>> In my implementation i did use the Jooq Generated Pojos and the 
>>> self-written DTOs extend a common base class (AbstractDTO),
>>> so they both save the modified fields. That way in the DAO-Abstraction i 
>>> can map the changed-fields correctly from the DTOs to the Jooq-Pojos,
>>> and only send the modified fields to the database in the Update-Case. In 
>>> the Insert-Case all fields are sent to the database.
>> Is it possible to share your AbstractDTO? Obviously, you might not be 
>> able to do that, but it's worth asking.

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