Thanks for your message. We'll have gradle examples eventually in our MCVE

They'll be using testcontainers too.

Unfortunately, until then, I can't really comment about the "best way" to
do it. (It will be very hard with gradle anyway, because there are so many
opinions). We'll be recommending the official plugin, not a third party

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 7:28 AM Debapriya Patra <>

> Hi,
> Does anyone integrated Liquibase in a mysql testcontainer to apply DB
> migrations and use Jooq to connect to the MySql test container DB to
> generate java files?
> I wanted to do this inside a gradle Spring Boot  application. Can someone
> help me on this ?
> Any example or reference might be helpful ?
> I am trying to go in the following sequence.
> - Spinup MySql test container
> - Apply DB migrations using Liquibase against MySql test container.
> - Generate Java files from the DB against MySql testcontainer DB.
> Also I wanted to have the code separated in three .gradle files.
> Here is what I have started with
> *mysqltc.gradle*
> ------------------------
> ```
> // mysql-tc.gradle
> import org.testcontainers.containers.MySQLContainer
> buildscript {
> repositories {
> mavenCentral()
> }
> dependencies {
> classpath "org.testcontainers:testcontainers:${testcontainersVersion}"
> classpath "org.testcontainers:mysql:${testcontainersVersion}"
> classpath "com.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.4.0"
> }
> }
> tasks.register('startMySQLContainer') {
> println("----Stating MySql DB TC----")
> doLast {
> def mysqlContainer = new MySQLContainer("mysql:latest")
> .withDatabaseName("lmsdb")
> .withUsername("test")
> .withPassword("test")
> mysqlContainer.start()
> project.ext.dbUrl = mysqlContainer.getJdbcUrl()
> project.ext.dbUsername = mysqlContainer.getUsername()
> project.ext.dbPassword = mysqlContainer.getPassword()
> project.ext.dbDriver = mysqlContainer.getDriverClassName()
> println "MySQL container started with URL: ${project.ext.dbUrl}"
> }
> }
> tasks.register('stopMySqlContainer') {
> doLast {
> if (mysqlContainer) {
> mysqlContainer.stop()
> }
> }
> }
> ```
> * liquibase.gradle*
> ```
> println("----Configuring Liquibase----")
> dependencies {
> implementation 'org.liquibase:liquibase-core:4.24.0'
> }
> liquibase {
> activities {
> main {
> changeLogFile 'src/main/resources/db/changelog/changelog-master.sql'
> url project.ext.has('d') ? project.ext.jdbcUrl :
> 'jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0.36:///lmsdb?TC_TMPFS=/testtmpfs:rw'
> username project.ext.has('username') ? project.ext.username : 'test'
> password project.ext.has('password') ? project.ext.password : 'test'
> }
> }
> runList = 'main'
> }
> tasks.named('update') {
> dependsOn ':startMySQLContainer'
> }
> ```
> *jooq.gradle*
> -------------------
> ```/**
> * This gradle file is used to generate JOOQ DAO, POJOs and fluent API for
> writing SQL queries using
> * generated classes. The default configuration below should work in most
> cases, but it can be
> * modified as needed based on the plugin documentation:
> *
> *
> */
> import nu.studer.gradle.jooq.JooqGenerate
> buildscript {
> repositories {
> gradlePluginPortal()
> }
> dependencies {
> classpath "nu.studer:gradle-jooq-plugin:${jooqPluginVersion}"
> }
> ext {
> // use jOOQ version defined in Spring Boot
> jooqVersion = dependencyManagement.importedProperties['jooq.version']
> }
> configurations.classpath {
> // Enforce the jOOQ configuration XML schema version
> resolutionStrategy.eachDependency {
> if ( == 'org.jooq' &&'jooq')) {
> useVersion jooqVersion
> }
> }
> }
> }
> apply plugin: nu.studer.gradle.jooq.JooqPlugin
> println("Configuring JOOQ dependencies and code generation plugin...")
> // JOOQ dependencies
> dependencies {
> implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jooq'
> jooqGenerator 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j'
> jooqGenerator 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple'
> jooqGenerator 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind'
> jooqGenerator "org.testcontainers:mysql"
> jooqGenerator ''
> implementation 'org.testcontainers:jdbc'
> }
> // Configure JOOQ
> jooq {
> version = jooqVersion
> configurations {
> main {
> generationTool {
> logging = org.jooq.meta.jaxb.Logging.WARN
> jdbc {
> driver = 'org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver'
> }
> generator {
> name = 'org.jooq.codegen.DefaultGenerator'
> database {
> name = 'org.jooq.meta.mysql.MySQLDatabase'
> inputSchema = 'lmsdb'
> }
> generate {
> records = true
> immutablePojos = true
> fluentSetters = true
> javaTimeTypes = false
> }
> target {
> packageName = "com.chegg.${mainPackageName}.db"
> }
> = 'org.jooq.codegen.DefaultGeneratorStrategy'
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> // Add database-specific JDBC driver dependencies for JOOQ code generation
> and plugin configuration
> String databaseType = findProperty("databaseType") as String
> if (databaseType == "aurora-mysql") {
> ext.jooqSecrets = project.getSecretsById(project.getPropertyValue(
> ""))
> jooq.configurations.main {
> generationTool {
> jdbc {
> //url = "jdbc:mysql://" +
> (project.getPropertyValue("spring.datasource.url") as String).split("://",
> 2)[1]
> //user = jooqSecrets.get("username")
> //password = jooqSecrets.get("password")
> url = project.ext.has('jdbcUrl') ? project.ext.jdbcUrl :
> 'jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0.36:///lmsdb?TC_TMPFS=/testtmpfs:rw'
> }
> }
> }
> } else if (databaseType == "mysql") {
> jooq.configurations.main {
> generationTool {
> jdbc {
> url = project.getPropertyValue("spring.datasource.url")
> user = project.getPropertyValue("spring.datasource.username")
> password = project.getPropertyValue("spring.datasource.password")
> }
> }
> }
> }
> // Configure the JVM used for the JOOQ code generation process
> tasks.withType(JooqGenerate).configureEach {
> javaExecSpec = { JavaExecSpec s ->
> s.systemProperties
> }
> }
> tasks.named('generateJooq') {
> dependsOn ':startMySQLContainer', ':update'
> }```
> In my build.gradle I am applying from those three .gradle files.
> I am stuck with an error.
> --
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