It Turn's out to be a stupid typo,

Forgot a single quote.



On 19 jul, 21:55, Marteijn Nouwens <> wrote:
> Here is the code i use to fill the document
> public byte[] createOdf() {
>                 try {
>                         RhinoStreamTemplate templating = new 
> RhinoStreamTemplate(new
> ByteArrayInputStream(template));
>                         // Fill with sample values.
>                         List<InvoiceLineEntity> happenings = 
> newInvoice.getLines();
>                         final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> 
> children = new
> HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>();
>                         final List<Map<String, String>> general = new 
> ArrayList<Map<String,
> String>>();
>                         for (int i = 0; i < happenings.size(); i++) {
>                                 InvoiceLineEntity current = happenings.get(i);
>                                 if (current.getChildId() == -1) {
>                                         general.add(createLineMap(current));
>                                 } else {
>                                         HashMap<String, Object> child = 
> children.get(String.valueOf
> (current.getChildId()));
>                                         if (child == null) {
>                                                 child = new HashMap<String, 
> Object>();
> children.put(String.valueOf(current.getChildId()), child);
>                                                 child.put("childName", 
> "Test");
>                                                 List<Map<String, String>> 
> childLines = new ArrayList<Map<String,
> String>>();
>                                                 child.put("lines", 
> childLines);
>                                         }
>                                         List<Map<String, String>> lines = 
> (List<Map<String, String>>)
> child.get("lines");
>                                         lines.add(createLineMap(current));
>                                 }
>                         }
>                         final List<HashMap<String, Object>> months = new
> ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
>                         months.addAll(children.values());
>                         templating.setField("children", months);
>                         templating.setField("general", general);
>                         OdfGenerator.putParameters(templating, user);
>                         OdfGenerator.putParameters(templating, getSettings());
>                         ByteArrayOutputStream out = new 
> ByteArrayOutputStream();
>                         templating.saveTo(out);
>                         return out.toByteArray();
>                 } catch (IOException e) {
>                         LOGGER.error(e);
>                 } catch (TemplateException e) {
>                         LOGGER.error(e);
>                 } catch (JDOMException e) {
>                         LOGGER.error(e);
>                 }
>                 return null;
>         }
>         private ChildOptionsManager happeningsManager = null;
>         public InvoicePdfOdf(Locale locale, ChildOptionsManager
> newHappeningsManager) {
>                 super(locale);
>                 happeningsManager = newHappeningsManager;
>         }
>         private Map<String, String> createLineMap(InvoiceLineEntity event) {
>                 final Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<String, String>();
>                 res.put("description", event.getDescription());
>                 res.put("quantity", String.valueOf(event.getQuantity()));
>                 res.put("itemPrice", String.valueOf(event.getPricePerUnit()));
>                 res.put("lineTotal", String.valueOf(event.getTotalPrice()));
>                 res.put("lineVat", String.valueOf(event.getVat()));
>                 // if (happeningsManager != null) {
>                 // HappeningEvent real = (HappeningEvent) event;
>                 // res.put("happening", happeningsManager.getHappening
> (real.getHappeningId()).getTitle());
>                 // } else {
>                 // res.put("happening", String.valueOf(event.getEventCode()));
>                 // }
>                 // if (event.getComment() != null) {
>                 // res.put("comment", htmlToText(event.getComment()));
>                 // } else {
>                 // res.put("comment", "");
>                 // }
>                 return res;
>         }
> On 19 jul, 19:38, Marteijn Nouwens <> wrote:
> > I mean that i have a repeting section. which has a table wich rows are
> > repeated. I can send the template and piece of code.
> > Marteijn
> > On Jul 19, 3:09 pm, Guillaume Maillard <>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Marteijn,
> > > It's not easy to help you without looking at the template and the code,
> > > or more precisely what you mean by grouping children or repeating 
> > > sections.
> > > Do you mean  "OpenDocument section" or "group of lines in a table"?
> > > To answer your question: yes it's possible to repeat section, and groups 
> > > of
> > > lines in tables.
> > > Regards,
> > > Guillaume
> > > 2009/7/19 Marteijn Nouwens <>
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I have an document in which i want to group childrne with each child
> > > > having multible line on a table. I created the java code but using
> > > > chil.get("lines") produces an script error. Is this possible?
> > > > Marteijn Nouwens

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