On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, David Groom wrote:

>> On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, David Groom wrote:
>>> I had ywms & wmsplugin oin disk, but not installed.
>>> I have deleted Ywms, wmsplugin & ewmsplugin.
>>> Then reinstalled ewmsplugin.
>>> The following is the result:
>> Please try http://www.dstoecker.eu/ewmsplugin.jar
>> Tell me results and poste the output in commandline (there should be one
>> additional line showing the URL).
>> Seems under Windows file:/// is converted to file:/ automatically.
>> Strange.
> Again JOSM runs out of memory.

Sorry. Please retry now. I made a mistake in the code.

BTW: Thanks for your patience.

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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