Stefan Breunig wrote:
>> Oh, I thought that proper functionality was going to be restored, so I
>> didn't bother complaining.  :-)
> Does anyone actually read my mails? It's really annoying to repeat
> over and over again just because you can't take 10 minutes and read
> this thread and see that your complaints are unreasoned.
>> I can see that the functionality is still there -- just hit escape
>> between every click -- but the use case of shift-click, shift-click,
>> shift-click, shift-click to create a bunch of unconnected nodes -- is
>> not satisfied by needing to hit escape every time.
> Again, reading would have helped. Just ESC+Click, ESC+Click like you
> did with shift (keep esc pressed).

I didn't expect it to be "keep ESC pressed", since that is not how you use ESC 
normally. I've tried this and JOSM does not seem to like it very much. It takes 
a very long time to add nodes to an existing way this way. It is even much 
slower than "click"-"ESC"-"click"-"ESC"- etc.

I'd still like an option to add nodes without continuing a way after that.
What is the objection of having a method for that, perhaps tied to the letter N?


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