Am 24.07.2009 um 18:34 schrieb Maarten Deen:

> I admit I haven't used relations in a while, so I'm quite surprised  
> to see that
> JOSM now adds a way to a relation again if it was already in the  
> relation.
> Previously, ways that were already in a relation did not get added  
> again.
> I this an intentional change?
> So now I've ended up with a relation with almost all ways double. Is  
> there a
> quick and easy way to get all double ways removed from this relation?

It's rather annoying, I find as well.  With the old relation editor,  
you could select all (suspect) ways (which also selects them in the  
main window, remove them, and then add the selection again.  When re- 
adding the selection, each way is only added once.  Of course, you  
lose the role for each way, so it's not perfect.

I just looked at the new relation editor, and I can't say whether that  
method still works.


Stefan Bethke <>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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