On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 10:18 +0200, Petr Nejedlý wrote:
> First and foremost, selection status is not a property of the data.
> Changing the data set just because the user have selected something is 
> plain wrong. Having a per-dataset selection is quite disturbing too - 
> there should be only one, system-wide.

OK, so you're saying that because selecting things is not a property of
the data that it shouldn't be a part of the data set?  Uh, ok.  Aren't
ways and nodes part of the data set?  Check out
OsmPrimitive.setSelected().  Sure seems to *ME* like selections are part
of the data set.

In any case, there's code cleanliness and order, and then there's the
ugly fact that it takes a full *SECOND* to process a mouse click.  I'd
rather have fast ugly code than slow clean code. :)

Do you have a better suggestion on where to stick the "selection cache"
or whatever we want to call it than in the DataSet?

-- Dave

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