On Sun, 1 Nov 2009, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> PS: Is it possible to build a JOSM version that supports *only* language
> X and not English, or is support for English always built-in due to the
> way we do our I18N? Could I perhaps run a preprocessor to replace the
> built-in English texts by translations and then kill the whole I18N
> overhead?

I fear that is a very complicated task. Also it would mean we than had 
different code base which I would not like.

P.S. I tried to change the way the language stuff is stored in JOSM, but 
until now I was unable to extract the relevant code from msgformat utility 
(which is a a typical GNU tool with so much interdependencies that code 
extraction is nearly rewriting).

When we could make our own translations, then instead of current 
translation classes, we could use one file for each language and one for 
english instead of current way adding english again for each language.

But as said I'm not 100% sure how the hashing algorithm works and thus I 
could not replicate it.

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