On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 05:39, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am 16.01.2010 05:38, schrieb Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason:
>>> Avar was the first one I've seen to come up with "show me stuff from
>>> user xy in a special way". I'm unsure if this is really a common use
>>> case.
>> FWIW potlatch does this every day by rendering things differently if
>> user == the guy who uploaded tiger&&  tiger:reviewed == ....
> tiger has special tags that are easy to display, JOSM renders:
> <condition k="tiger:reviewed" v="no"/>
> already for quite a while in a special way.
> I can't see why a special "user condition" is needed here.

It's rendering TIGER data that hasn't been touched since import in a
special manner:

    if (preferences.data.tiger && this.uid==7168 && this.version==1 &&
this.clean && this.attr["tiger:tlid"]) {

Someone may edit the data and not change the tiger:reviewed tag, not
every user reads a manual on TIGER editing before clicking "Edit".

>> Sure, but<condition user="foo" />  isn't that much harder than
>> <condition k="" v=""/>  :)
> Exercise: Can you tell - not looking at the help - what's the difference
> between the two search expressions:
> type=*
> foot:

Both of those are exact key matches for type & foot with any value.

> ... I'm pretty sure very few people can.
> The JOSM search box help lists 21 conditions, offers case (in)sensitiveness
> and optional regular expressions, still misses a simple logical AND and
> offers a myriad of possible combinations.

Yeah, it needs to be friendlier.

> In contrast, we currently have four different conditions that are easy to
> grasp:
> <condition k="key" v="value"/>
> <condition k="key" b="yes"/>
> <condition k="key" b="no"/>
> <condition k="key"/>
> I do see a clear difference between how hard it is to learn one of the two
> approaches.

The search is exposed to users, there are currently 5 custom
stylesheets for JOSM. I can't the easy of use concern here,
stylesheets are either written by developers or automatically
generated by user-friendly programs.

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