At 2010-07-04 14:52, =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Dirk_St=F6cker?= wrote:
On Sun, 4 Jul 2010, Alan Mintz wrote:
During the recent maintenance, I worked on tracing/moving a number of mountain roads. Normally, I'd have uploaded every couple hours to avoid conflicts, but in this case, that was not possible because the database was still read-only.

At Sun, 04 Jul 2010 09:28:05 +0000, I opened the saved file with JOSM and attempted to upload it. The dialog says "Uploading 4665 objects... Successfully opened changeset 5131096". Figuring it might take a while, I went to sleep. The dialog is still there, 11 hours later. Looking at , it says the changeset was closed about an hour after opening. The total number of nodes, ways, and relations equals the 4665 in JOSM's upload status dialog.

This much looks like everything was ok, but the server answer somehow got lost. This sometimes happens. I'm not sure if it is a server or a JOSM error (or both?).

What should I do?

Call the update function from first menu (e.g. Update changed). This should update everything relevant (save before) and reducing the number of changes. New elements are probably not detected properly. But at least after the update you can verify if your work was uploaded completely or not.

OK. It shows 1035 unresolved conflicts...

"394 objects in your local dataset which might be deleted". Chose "check on the server" button. There were 394 conflicts detected, then resolved automatically by purging from local dataset because they were deleted on the server.

Conflict dialog still shows 1035 unresolved: 922 nodes, 113 ways.

Most nodes seem to be change in position (lat/lon).

How can I tell it to simply accept my local version in bulk?

Some of the ways were apparently fixed automatically, but remain in the list. The conflict resolution dialog has green checkmarks on all three applicable tabs, and the Nodes tab says (resolved), though there is no difference between the "My version", "Their version", and "Merged version" lists.

(BTW, it would be nice if the resolution dialog would respond to <ESC> as a synonym for clicking the Cancel button or at least make the Cancel button have focus to begin with so you can use <SPACE>, to allow one to quickly look at multiple conflicts.)

Nobody else edited in the area, so these conflicts are likely just changes I made that were not uploaded/processed. It's not reasonable to use the UI to fix them one by one (at least not the 900 nodes). I'm not averse to editing the .osm file manually if you can tell me what to do. For example, I see that I get a list of the node IDs, version, lat/lon if I ^C while the nodes are selected in the conflict list. I can see writing a perl script to edit the .osm file and fix those nodes if you can tell me what to do to them.

Alan Mintz <>

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