
because svn.openstreetmap.org currently does not work, I cannot start JOSM - the WMS plugin seems to try and load something from that server, and blocks if it does not receive anything.

I would kindly ask all JOSM programmers to:

* Have JOSM initiate network connections only if requested by the user - do not automatically connect to any servers to do anything. This is good style - people might be in a situation where going online costs them money, and it is also a privacy concern. I don't like the idea that everytime I start JOSM, someone has me in their log file.

* If you think that you really must override the above recommendation, at least do so with a proper timeout - do NOT wait for Java to throw an exception because there are situations - just like at the moment with svn.osm.org - where the other side does accept the connection but just doesn't send anything back.

Please let us all make sure that JOSM can really be used "offline".


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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