On Sun, 15 Aug 2010, Bodo Meissner wrote:

I started implementing remote control for WMS.
The remotecontrol plugin will provide an interface to register new handlers for 
additional commands and the WMS plugin will use this interface.
That means when the WMS plugin wants to make calls to the remotecontrol plugin, 
Josm must already have loaded this plugin.

If there is a guarantee that wmsplugin will always be loaded after 
remotecontrol, wmsplugin can register its remote control handler in its 
initialization. Otherwise wmsplugin must know when both wmsplugin and 
remotecontrol are loaded or when all plugins are loaded.

Is there a way to specify a dependency or a loading order? ("wmsplugin requires 
remotecontrol" or "if remotecontrol is enabled it must be loaded before wmsplugin")
Does JOSM call a function of a plugin when all enabled plugins are loaded?


See Plugin-Requires, Plugin-Stage and Plugin-Early.

Thought you can't use Plugin-Requires, as WMS-plugin should not depend on remote-control.

Easiest is probably to use "Plugin-Early" in remote-control.

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