
On 21 August 2010 01:48, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Peter Herison wrote:
>> Can we have these super high resolution aerial images I can see in
>> Potlatch in JOSM also?
> No we can't because they are not served through the web map mechanism that
> JOSM accesses; they are only available through the Yahoo Flash API which
> JOSM cannot use.

While I'm personally clueless about Flash and don't have it installed,
I think it's possible to build an .swf that could be shipped in the
wmsplugin jar package together with the .html file embedding the .swf
movie, which would then use the Flash API.  I'm not sure if you can
make gnome-web-photo / webkit-photo wait for the imagery to load this


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