
On 2010.11.25. 22:45, Sebastian Klein wrote:
Viesturs Zarins wrote:
Hi All,

Just commited improvements to the multipolygon plugin.
- Can now handle polygons consisting of several unclosed ways.
- Supports multiple outer ways and deeper nesting.
- Detects crossings.
- Opens relation editor.

It does not open the relation editor for me.
Somebody made shoing the editor optional, disabled by default.
You have to add custom value to advanced preferences multipoly.show-relation-editor = true

I have not yet commited a new version to the dist folder.

Could someone please try it out?
And what is the policy of pushing new versions? Can I just commit a new
version into the dist folder, or is there some review?

I'm in the mood of adding plugins to JOSM core... :)
Are you planning more improvements or is it ready so far?

It is generally finished and ready to go. Just remember to discard the GeometryFunctions.java and use code from tools/Geometry.java Also take a look at the commented out block in MultipolygonAction.java#ActionPerformed. Maybe you can make it work.

I would also like to add some detection for existing multipolygons, so that it prompts if you like to create new multipolygon or add ways to existing multipolygon. But currently I'm working on improving Join areas to work with really big and dirty datasets. I have several triangulated areas to import. And that will take me another week or so.


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