Frederik Ramm wrote:

Dirk Stöcker wrote:
Please note also, that this week a new server infrastructure has been established. JOSM mappaint styles, mapcss styles and JOSM presets can now be made in the JOSM Trac wiki pages.

Assuming there was some catastrophic server failure, and further assuming that you are not personally available to fix things -

1. will anyone else in the world be able to re-create the trac setup that you have created? Are any of the core JOSM developers involved? I know that I'm not and to me it looks like quite a maze! How long would it take someone to create the required infrastructure? Is there documentation? (Don't say "yes, in trac" ;) Are there backups that include all the config files etc.?

I don't think it is that bad. :)
As Dirk said, the magic is contained in 2 single files: The cronjob and the trac plugin.

2. what parts of JOSM will not work as long as the server is down?

JOSM runs just fine without the server. Dirk listed most of the server dependent services, let me add that it can't update the list of available wms/tms urls and the bug report system won't be able to redirect to trac, obviously.

All files loaded from a remote server are cached locally for 7 days. (But it keeps the old copy if update fails.)

There are 3 exceptions to this rule:
 * plugin update is always on demand
 * list of users that agreed to the CT is cached only 2 hours
 * wiki help content (including message of the day) isn't cached at all

So basically no functionality accesses the server, unless it is absolutely necessary. (Yes, we could distribute the wiki help, but this also means you get outdated information and the size of josm-*.jar increases.) In addition, everything can be done manually (plugin installation, adding presets, styles and imagery urls).


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