
On 30/03/12 01:06, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Is it possible to get summarized blogs from
> 2k5 onwards when JOSM started its development [2] ?

Of course it is possible, but it requires someone performing this task.
I would like to note that one the one hand it is very cumbersome (as one
has to go through every revision and figure out its relevance), and on
the other hand the use of changes from 2005 are very limited. My guess
is that nobody will step in for this task.

For the Debian report, you could comment that the changelog is available
since 2012 and will (most likely) be continued. I'm not sure whether
that suffices.

> Is there any move to move to git entirely

It was discussed shortly in [1]. The bottom line was: no real need and
it would require some/many adoptions in the configuration.

> One of the more interesting bits of the project was when I was reading
> was the releases documentation [6]. It would be nicer/would have been
> nicer if this info. would be in the Startup page somewhere  [7]
> especially the point that 'JOSM does not have a version number really
> (it is 1.5 for some years now), but uses the always increasing version
> of source code repository. '

I've never thought of that. Such a note could be added after
> The current stable snapshot is 5047 and 5127 is the unstable development 
> version.
on the page.


[1] http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/7132

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