On 30-4-2012 18:46, Dirk Stöcker wrote:
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012, Maarten Deen wrote:

To continue my rant: N used to be the method to place one node only.
That seems to have disappeared too. It looks like I now have to start
drawing a way with A and then press escape to end drawing the way so I
can change its properties.

'N' was simply a secondary key for 'A' for a very long time now. It had
exactly same function and thus has been removed. To place a single node
use <SHIFT> + Click or <ESC> and afterwards Click.

N had not the same function. A starts a way, N sets a node. To set one node now, you have to do the things you mention. To set one note before you only had to select N and click once.

In any case: it is more work. Yes, I'm nitpicking, but nitpicking is easy when there is no guide or releasenotes where this is mentioned.

To end drawing after the node has been created either Double-Click or
press <ESC> afterwards.

All of this beeing available for a very long time also.

If you are not using those other keys, you are not aware of them. I haven't read anywhere in releasenotes that certain shortcuts were dropped. I must have also missed all those discussions about it on this list because I can't remember any.


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