On 11/08/2012 08:36 PM, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Paul Hartmann <phaau...@googlemail.com> wrote:
There are no long-term plans that I'm aware of. Tagging and Mapstyle related
tasks sometimes get neglected, if no one from the team is interested in this
topic. So we rely on input from users like you. :)

It is quite easy to add "exceptions" for this validation test, they are
listed in this file:


Or should they be included in some presets?
For example, in the restaurant preset it seems to be missing some cuisine types.

If I update some of the presets, will it be accepted? (or do you
prefer to have more exceptions in ignoretags.cfg?)

Yes, it is better to include the tags in the presets, if possible. The ignoretags.cfg file is more a list of all the remaining tags that don't fit into the presets.

I cannot promise anything in advance, basically if we like the changes, it will be accepted. :) Including a tag in the JOSM presets will boost its usage counts, so we have to be a little careful. The tag should be either widely used or at least straightforward and undisputed. For special interest topics, it is better to create a separate preset that can be included by the user as an extension (http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Presets).

And another doubt: still using the restaurant example, we have in

<multiselect key="cuisine" text="Cuisine"

See that the values aren't sorted (and also aren't displayed as a sorted list).
While some values are clearly sorted by importance, usage, value, etc,
some other (like cuisine) could be alphabetically sorted I think. Is
it OK to play with this too?

Good idea!


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