On 02/16/2013 10:40 AM, Marc Gemis wrote:

I'm working on my first preset targetted to beginning mappers in Belgium.
With the help of a more experienced OSM'er it was put on
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Presets/BENELUX yesterday.
So it was available for download this morning.

However when I install the downloaded plugin, it complains that
nl.display_value is not allowed in a list_entry.

I did not had this problem when I installed the preset from file.

When you ignore the error message (twice) and restart JOSM afterwards, it
does not complain and the Dutch translations are available as expected.

What am I doing wrong ?


BTW, I'm using JOSM 5697 on OSX.

Hi Marc,

this is not your fault, it is a JOSM bug in the preset validation. Apparently no one has ever used localized text in a list_entry. I've fixed it a moment ago in r5722.

For earlier versions of JOSM, it is save to ignore this message, as you did.

Regarding your preset in the wiki: An .xml and a .zip file has been attached, this is normally not required. Can we remove it?

Here is another tip when you want to test your wiki preset: JOSM caches the downloaded preset file for one week. In order to force an update, you can go to the JOSM settings directory [1] and delete the corresponding file in the cache directory. (You can remove the entire cache folder if you like.)

[1] <http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/ResetPreferences#Locatethesettingsfolder>


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