On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 02:19:26PM +0100, Dirk Brünig wrote:
The server I check out from
There is also an License file. But it is in written in Czech.
Program lze bez omezení použít pro pøípravu dat do projektu
OpenStreetMap. Program lze bez omezení šíøit a mìnit s tím, že bude
zachována a pøiložena tato licence. Program ale nelze použít pro
pøípravu dat, které by byly komerènì využity, aniž by pøed tímto
využitím byly uploadovány do projektu OpenStreetMap pod licencí,
kterou OSM vyžaduje.

FWIW, I do not think that ø (U+00F8) exists in the Czech alphabet. I guess that it should be ř instead, because that is what 0xf8 is in latin2. Likewise, èì should probably be čě.

I tried to translate this by recode utf8..latin1|recode latin2..utf8, but some characters were crippled, such as ž was replaced with z.

This sentence looks alarming:

"Program ale nelže použít pro přípravu dat, které by byly komerčně vyuzity, ..."

Based on my very limited knowledge of Slavic languages, I am guessing that the 2 last words mean something like "commercial utilization". If it is prohibiting that, it would be incompatible with the GPL.

Best regards,

        Marko Mäkelä

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