On 17.07.2014 09:16, Martin Vonwald wrote:

On [1] it says in the section "Child selector" in one of the notes: "The
functions prop() and is_prop_set() are only supported on the right side of
the > sign. "

Right now I'm under the impression that this is not true and in fact at
least is_prop_set with a given layer also works on the left side of the >

Can someone confirm or deny this? And if it works: is it intended or just a
bug that might be fixed?

Let's say, you get undefined behavior when using prop() and is_prop_set() on the left hand side of the > sign.

What I would intuitively expect, is to get the properties of the parent object, e.g.

way[highway=residential], way[highway=primary] {
  is_highway: true;
way[is_prop_set("is_highway")] > node {

This is not going to work! Instead it will probably check the properties of the current object or something like that, so it is not really useful to write anything in that form ...


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