
On 08/24/2014 09:14 PM, Toby Murray wrote:
> My eventual vision is that instead of the download-as-you-pan nonsense,
> Notes will be listed as a checkbox alongside "OpenStreetMap Data" and "Raw
> GPS Data" checkboxes in the download dialog. But this checkbox can not be
> added by a plugin so this weekend I decided to take a look at how things
> might fit into core.

Would it not be an option to build the proper hooks into the core for a
plugin to register a checkbox to be displayed in the download dialog? I
believe plugins can already add new tabs to the download dialog, just
not add to existing ones.

That way, you'd lay valuable groundwork for others wo might want to
write more obscure plugins (e.g. offering an "also download XYZ data
from ABC repository" checkbox or so).

It's a long time since I've dabbled with that part of JOSM and there
might be other reasons that compel you to work on core rather than doing
a plugin, but just adding hooks into core and putting stuff into a
plugin might prove less arduous.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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